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a year ago

"Dark Waters". The power of doing the right thing and the extent to which big corporations fight against law suits.

Brazillian Jit-Jitsu

a year ago

Family of chokes: D'Arce, anaconda, and necktie.

Brazillian Jit-Jitsu

a year ago

Knee-on-belly into far-side then near-side armbar, choke. Also learnt about escape if the opponent has you in knee-on-belly.


a year ago

Shallow shot and force hands to turn over on contact. Practice this drill. People prefer to do big full shots for their ego.


a year ago

Behaviour Driven Development isn't just a tool like installing the cucumber library. It's about collaborations with all members of the team at different levels of technical experience. Look into introducing testing into code.


a year ago

Javascript classes.

Brazillian Jit-Jitsu

a year ago

Guard passes. Knee on the belly. Remember to not stay on back; this is why "banana splits" are so painful.


a year ago

Slow flight. Remember that for applying trim, the trim wheel moves in accordance with the pressure applied on the control column. For example, forward pressure means moving the trim wheel forward.

Brazillian Jit-Jitsu

a year ago

Worked three different throws from standing. Dip under the arm.


a year ago

GROUP BY along with an aggregator like Max(id) is helpful if you want to isolate a single record, where one column has many duplicated values of this record.